GEORGIA ADOPT-A-STREAM     Data Submission Form              

Do not edit this form if you want to create a new submission.

Reason for editing (required):

*Indicates a required field

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Site, Weather, and Observations
Site Information
*Adopt-A-Stream Site
Group: [ G-730]- Ogeechee Riverkeeper

*Event date:
*Time sample
hh:mm am/pm
*Total number
of participants
*Time spent
Total time
spent traveling:

Furthest distance

Total volunteer time for this event: 50 minutes (0.83 hours)

* If you have more than one event for this date, enter the number of events, and enter the total time spent and distance traveled for all of them.

*Adopt-A-Stream monitors
Maxine Hauser (41192)
Enter one at a time, and select from the drop-down list.

Other participants
Present conditions
Amount of rain, if known?

In Last /  

Refer to for rainfall data
Flow/Water Level:
Check all that apply
Check all that apply (coastal monitors)
Tide was:    |   

Water Conditions:
Check all that apply (coastal and lake monitors)

Water Clarity:                  

Water Color:                                                  

Water Surface:
Check all that apply

    Does it break when disturbed?    

    Check all that apply:  

Water Odor:
Check all that apply
Photos of the site, monitoring, potential problems, etc. are encouraged
  • Please limit uploads to 10 photos less than 4MB each.
  • Click the checkmark below to upload photos, once selected. Click X to clear submission box.
  • Wait for green circle by photo name, then click the check to upload
  •  Image NameDescriptionFile SizeImageDelete
    Page size:
     0 items in 1 pages
    No records to display.
    Please note any additional comments concerning your site or data.
    Your comments are valuable in understanding and interpreting results.