Local Adopt-A-Stream Programs

  • Workshops covering watershed assessments and visual monitoring, chemical and biological monitoring
  • Assistance in identifying streams to adopt and registering your streams
  • Answers to questions about the program
  • Resources such as maps and monitoring equipment
  • Outreach activities for local community groups and schools
  • General assistance in organizing your AAS program
  RegionService AreaCoordinatorContact InformationOrganization

RegionName: All

  All Harold Harbert harold.harbert@dnr.ga.gov
Environmental Protection Division, DNR - EPD

RegionName: Coastal Georgia

  Coastal Georgia Luke Roberson lfroberson@georgiasouthern.edu
Georgia Southern University- Institute of Water and Health
  Coastal GeorgiaAltamaha River Watershed; Satilla River Watershed; Brantley County; Pierce County; Wayne County; Camden CountyJerry Vandergriff jerry.w.vandergriff@chemours.com
  Coastal GeorgiaCamden CountyJessica Warren jkwarren@uga.edu
Camden County Extension
  Coastal GeorgiaMcIntosh County; Glynn County; Wayne County; Long County; Appling County; Tattnall County; Toombs County; Jeff Davis County; Wheeler County; Johnson County; Emanuel County; Treutlen County; Candler County; Altamaha River Watershed; Ohoopee River Watershed; Lower Ocmulgee River Watershed; Little Ocmulgee River WatersheMaggie Van Cantfort maggie@altamahariverkeeper.org
Altamaha Riverkeeper
  Coastal GeorgiaOgeechee Coastal WatershedDamon Mullis damon@ogeecheeriverkeeper.org

Ogeechee Riverkeeper
  Coastal GeorgiaSaint Marys River WatershedEmily Floore emily@stmarysriverkeeper.org
St. Marys Riverkeeper
  Coastal GeorgiaSaint Marys River Watershed; Satilla River Watershed; Upper Suwannee WatershedKatie Antczak kantczak@okresa.org
  Coastal GeorgiaSaint Marys River Watershed; Upper Suwannee Watershed; Satilla River WatershedWilliam Baumler william.baumler@okeswamp.org
Okefenokee Swamp Park and Adventures
  Coastal GeorgiaSatilla River Watershed; Little Satilla River Watershed; Cumberland Island - St. Simons; Saint Marys River WatershedPatricia DuBose trishron@tds.net
Satilla Riverkeeper
  Coastal GeorgiaSatilla River Watershed; Saint Marys River Watershed; Upper Suwannee WatershedLex Bowick lex@satillariverkeeper.org
Satilla Riverkeeper/Okefenokee Swamp Park

RegionName: East Georgia

  East GeorgiaAugusta; Richmond County; Middle Savannah River WatersheRuth Mead ruth.mead@phinizycenter.org
Phinizy Center for Water Sciences
  East GeorgiaAugusta; Richmond County; Upper Savannah River Watershed; Middle Savannah River Watershe; Lower Savannah River WatershedFrank Carl FRANKCARL2040@gmail.com
Savannah Riverkeeper
  East GeorgiaBaldwin County; Milledgeville; Upper Oconee River WatershedRuth Eilers ruth.eilers@gcsu.edu
Georgia College & State University
  East GeorgiaBraselton; Jackson County; Upper Oconee River Watershed; Barrow CountyYvette Wise ywise@braselton.net
(706)654-3915 ext. 1012
Town of Braselton
  East GeorgiaLittle River Watershed; Brier Creek Watershed; Broad River Watershed; Upper Savannah River Watershed; Middle Savannah River WatersheTruck Carlson truck@savannahriverkeeper.org
Savannah Riverkeeper
  East GeorgiaStatesboro; Ogeechee Coastal WatershedMelanie Sparrow Melanie@ogeecheeriverkeeper.org
Ogeechee Riverkeeper
  East GeorgiaUpper Oconee River Watershed; Athens; Clarke CountyKate Mowbray kate.mowbray@accgov.com
(706)613-3615 ext. 231
Sandy Creek Nature Center
  East GeorgiaUpper Oconee River Watershed; Athens; Clarke CountyBruno Giri education@uown.org
Upper Oconee Watershed Network
  East GeorgiaUpper Oconee River Watershed; Clarke County; Athens; Habersham CountyJulia Schmitz jschmitz@piedmont.edu
(706)778-8500 ext. 1553
Piedmont University

RegionName: Florida

  Florida Shelly Krueger krueger-shelly@monroecounty-fl.gov

RegionName: Metro Atlanta

  Metro Atlanta Emily Groth emily.groth@miltonga.gov
City of Milton
  Metro Atlanta Michaela Collins michaela.collins@dnr.ga.gov
  Metro Atlanta Carmita Rivera crivera@gwinnettcb.org
Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful
  Metro Atlanta James Moore jaedmoore@yahoo.com
(770)229-6424 ext. 253
Gwinnett County
  Metro AtlantaAlpharettaTerry Porter tporter@alpharetta.ga.us
City of Alpharetta
  Metro AtlantaAtlantaTessa Winbigler twinbigler@atlantaga.gov
City of Atlanta, Department of Watershed Management
  Metro AtlantaAtlanta; DeKalb County; Upper Ocmulgee River Watershed; Upper Oconee River WatershedDeborah Ortiz deborah.j.ortiz@gmail.com
EPA Office of Env Justice & Sustainability
  Metro AtlantaAtlanta; Fulton CountyRobert Thomson rthomson@atlantaga.gov
City of Atlanta, Department of Watershed Management
  Metro AtlantaAtlanta; Fulton County; Upper Middle Chattahoochee RivRon Loines ron.k.loines@gmail.com
Friends of Peachtree Hills Park
  Metro AtlantaAtlanta; RoswellRebekah Chapman rchapman@gsu.edu

GA State University
  Metro AtlantaAtlanta; Upper Middle Chattahoochee RivJessica Sterling jsterling@chattahoochee.org
Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
  Metro AtlantaCherokee CountyWill England will.england@ccwsa.com
Cherokee County Water and Sewage Authority
  Metro AtlantaCobb CountyMike Kahle michael.kahle@cobbcounty.org
Cobb County Water System
  Metro AtlantaCobb County; Etowah River Watershed; Upper Chattahoochee River WateJennifer McCoy Jennifer.McCoy@CobbCounty.org
Cobb County Water System
  Metro AtlantaCobb County; Fulton County; Upper Chattahoochee River WateWilliam Lott sue.bill314@gmail.com
Upper Chattahoochee Trout Unlimited
  Metro AtlantaCumming; Forsyth CountyRalph Cromer cromerrc@bellsouth.net
Forsyth County KFCB
  Metro AtlantaDeKalb CountyMichael O'Shield msoshield@dekalbcountyga.gov
DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management
  Metro AtlantaDeKalb County; Upper Ocmulgee River WatershedShaundon Moore sjmoore@dekalbcountyga.gov
Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve
  Metro AtlantaEtowah River Watershed; Upper Tallapoosa Watershed; Upper Middle Chattahoochee Riv; Paulding CountyEric Eberly eric.eberly@paulding.gov
Paulding County Water System
  Metro AtlantaFayette County; Upper Flint River WatershedBenjamin Martin bmartin@fayettecountyga.gov
Fayette County Water System
  Metro AtlantaForsyth County; Upper Chattahoochee River WateApryl Milam AGMilam@forsythco.com
Keep Forsyth County Beautiful
  Metro AtlantaFulton CountyKelli Edwards Kelli.Edwards@fultoncountyga.gov
Fulton County Public Works
  Metro AtlantaFulton CountyDexter Norris dexter.norris@fultoncountyga.gov
Fulton County Public Works
  Metro AtlantaFulton CountyAmy Warnock amy.warnock@fultoncountyga.gov
Fulton County Public Works
  Metro AtlantaGriffin; Spalding County; Upper Flint River WatershedAlexa Robinson arobinson@cityofgriffin.com
City of Griffin Stormwater
  Metro AtlantaGwinnett CountyJohn Butler john.butler@gwinnettcounty.com
Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources
  Metro AtlantaGwinnett CountyChrissy Rubel Christine.Rubel@gwinnettcounty.com
Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources
  Metro AtlantaGwinnett County; Jackson CountyGarret Dufty garretdufty@gwinnettcounty.com
Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful
  Metro AtlantaHenry CountyMary Hernandez mhernandez@co.henry.ga.us
Henry County Stormwater Department
  Metro AtlantaHenry County; Upper Ocmulgee River WatershedJeff Scott jeffrey.scott@hcwa.com
HCWA Cubihatcha Outdoor Center
  Metro AtlantaJohns Creek; Fulton County; Upper Chattahoochee River WateGanesh Venugopal geeveepal@yahoo.com
Johns Creek resident
  Metro AtlantaPike CountyBrooklyne Wassel brooklyne.wassel@uga.edu
UGA Extension
  Metro AtlantaRoswellLiberti Gates lgates@roswellgov.com
  Metro AtlantaUpper Chattahoochee River WateAnnie Couch ann_couch@nps.gov
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
  Metro AtlantaUpper Ocmulgee River Watershed; ConyersJavier Sayago javier.sayago@loweengineers.com
Lowe Engineers, LLC

RegionName: North Carolina

  North CarolinaHiawassee; Hiwassee Watershed; Union County; Towns County; Little Tennessee River Watersh; Clay County; Cherokee County; Rabun County; Fannin CountyCallie Moore callie@mountaintrue.org
Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition/ MountainTrue
  North CarolinaHiwassee WatershedPhilip Moore pwmoore1979@gmail.com

RegionName: North Georgia

  North GeorgiaBartow CountyMalloree Holcombe mgholcombe614@aol.com
  North GeorgiaClarke County; Hall County; Madison County; Danielsville; GainesvilleJames Talkin jtalkin@gmail.com
City of Gainesville
  North GeorgiaDade County; Walker County; Catoosa County; Fannin County; Gordon County; Murray County; Whitfield County; Chattooga County; Gilmer County; Pickens County; Cherokee CountyStephen Bontekoe stevebontekoe@gmail.com
  North GeorgiaEtowah River Watershed; Cherokee CountyLori Forrester brenaucrew@hotmail.com
(770)479-1813 ext. 1176
Cherokee County Water & Sewerage Authority
  North GeorgiaUpper Coosa River WatershedKatie Owens kowens@tnc.org
The Nature Conservancy
  North GeorgiaUpper Coosa River Watershed; Etowah River Watershed; Oostanaula River Watershed; Coosawattee River Watershed; Conasauga River WatershedJesse Demonbreun-Chapman jesse@coosa.org
Coosa River Basin Initiative

RegionName: South West Georgia

  South West Georgia Ashleigh Kelly akelly@chehaw.org
Chehaw Parks
  South West GeorgiaBaker County; Miller County; Mitchell County; Decatur County; Seminole CountySteve Golladay sgollada@jonesctr.org
Jones Research Center
  South West GeorgiaDecatur County; Early County; Grady County; Miller County; Thomas County; Mitchell County; Baker CountyJulie Shutters j.shutters@yahoo.com
Golden Triangle RC&D
  South West GeorgiaLower Flint River WatershedJackie Entz jentz@chehaw.org
Flint RiverQuarium and Chehaw Park & Zoo
  South West GeorgiaLower Flint River Watershed; Americus; Kinchafoonee - Muckalee CreeksMichele Smith michele.smith@gsw.edu
Georgia Southwestern State Univ.
  South West GeorgiaLower Flint River Watershed; Middle Flint River WatershedRobert Gipaya robert@flintriverkeeper.org

Flint Riverkeeper

RegionName: Tennessee

  Tennessee Helaina Gomez hgomez@tnaqua.org
TN Aquarium Conservation Institute