GEORGIA ADOPT-A-STREAM     Data Submission Form              

Do not edit this form if you want to create a new submission.

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*Indicates a required field

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Site, Weather, and Observations
Site Information
*Adopt-A-Stream Site
Group: [ G-1906]- Satilla Riverkeeper & Friends

*Event date:
*Time sample
hh:mm am/pm
*Total number
of participants
*Time spent
Total time
spent traveling:

Furthest distance

Total volunteer time for this event: 108 minutes (1.80 hours)

* If you have more than one event for this date, enter the number of events, and enter the total time spent and distance traveled for all of them.

*Adopt-A-Stream monitors
Leann Griffiths (41946)
Charlie Griffiths (41947)
Enter one at a time, and select from the drop-down list.

Other participants
Present conditions
Amount of rain, if known?

In Last /  

Refer to for rainfall data
Flow/Water Level:
Check all that apply
Check all that apply (coastal monitors)
Tide was:    |   

Water Conditions:
Check all that apply (coastal and lake monitors)

Water Clarity:                  

Water Color:                                                  

Water Surface:
Check all that apply

    Does it break when disturbed?    

    Check all that apply:  

Water Odor:
Check all that apply
Photos of the site, monitoring, potential problems, etc. are encouraged
  • Please limit uploads to 10 photos less than 4MB each.
  • Click the checkmark below to upload photos, once selected. Click X to clear submission box.
  • Wait for green circle by photo name, then click the check to upload
  •  Image NameDescriptionFile SizeImageDelete
    Page size:
     2 items in 1 pages
    Satilla 158 downstream Satilla River at Highway 158 looking downstream 456 KB Photo of Satilla 158 downstream
    Satilla 158 upstream Satilla River at Highway 158 looking upstream 530 KB Photo of Satilla 158 upstream
    Please note any additional comments concerning your site or data.
    Your comments are valuable in understanding and interpreting results.