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Allatoona Creek [S-1196] is one of 3 sites monitored by Group [ G-1133] Belwood

Site Description: Sampling site located in white oak forest on Harrison High School Property (4500 Due West Road). It is 600 feet from the northwest corner of school building, and 50 feet downstream from a wooden bridge. The creek is about 25 feet wide at the bridge, pinching down to 8 feet at narrowest point in riffle. Opens up into 25-foot wide pool. Undercut banks. Gravel bars deposited in stream meanders. Water about 4 inches deep. Deepest pool 2 to 3 feet deep. Some slab rock present. Substrate is gravel/cobble (2-3 inch size). Siltation evident as sand bars and sand-covered slab rock. Water clear. Bank vegetation mostly red oak and yellow poplar. Privet present, but not yet abundant. White oak forest between creek and school with some sweetgum, hornbeam, big poison ivy vines, hop hornbeam and Christmas fern.

This site has 1 recorded monitoring events.

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       At a glance
Site: Allatoona Creek [S-1196]
Group: [G-1133] Belwood
Lat, Long: 33.9692 , -84.6851
Altitude: 282 meters ( 925 feet )
Watershed: Etowah River Watershed
City: Kennesaw, Georgia
County: Cobb
Events: 1
First sampled: 02/08/2009
Local Coordinator: